Position: Doctoral researcher in Computer Science
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Faculty of Computer Science (EPFL IC)
Laboratory for Systemic Modeling (LAMS)
Supervised by Prof. Alain Wegmann
Thesis no. 7261: Designing Modeling Notations Readers Understand
Models created using the Systemic Enterprise Architecture Method (SEAM)
Business and IT strategy @ EPFL
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure project - Forum IT; Alternative
Laboratory Information Management: problem
Management of Shared Resources: problem
Campus Card: problem
Storage: problem
Helpdesk: problem
E-mail & calendar: problem
IS-Academia: problem
Accreditations: problem
Scheduling: problem
Travel management: problem
IT strategy @ SITRA tourisme: Tourist story; Iterations
Car-maintenance service iterations: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 14, 16, 23
Models created using i*
Teaching: Business, IT, Mathematics